Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

  • Three Fence Planning Tips To Avoid Future Problems

    Many people mistakenly believe they can do whatever they like on their property and that this extends to fencing, which simply isn't true and can lead to major issues down the road. If you are thinking about putting in a new fence, there are several things you need to know so you don't violate local codes nor inadvertently upset a dear neighbor. The following guide can help. Know your property lines and easements

  • Want To Install A Wood Fence? 4 Installation Tips To Maximize Your Satisfaction

    Not having a fence around your backyard may naturally reduce how often your family uses the space because no one is able to get any privacy while spending time outside. Adding a fence is an easy way to solve this problem, but you may also want to get privacy with what you install. Installing a wood fence is perfect as it gives you an easy opportunity to gain backyard privacy. By following several tips on the installation, you can maximize your overall satisfaction.

  • Time For That New Deck? 4 Reasons You Need To Go With Aluminum Railings

    If you're looking for a railing for your new deck, and you've decided on wood, you owe it to yourself to reconsider. Wood railing may be one of the most common materials for deck railings, but that doesn't mean it's the best material. In fact, there are quite a few benefits to be had by choosing aluminum railing instead. Here are just four of the reasons why your new deck railings should be made from aluminum instead of wood.

  • What to Do When Your Dog Is Escaping from Your Fenced-in Backyard

    Having a fence is a wonderful way to contain your family dog in your backyard, either to play, get exercise, or use the bathroom. However, there may be a problem with your dog finding a way to escape from your yard, even with the fence in place. Here are some tips that can help keep your dog contained in your yard. Install an Invisible Fence It may seem redundant to install an invisible fence along with an actual fence, but it could be the cheapest and most effective solution to your problem.

  • Investing In An Iron Fence? 3 Ways To Make The Best Purchase

    Having an iron fence installed around your property can be a great way to add some security, while also helping to define the property lines of your home. If you've decided to get an iron fence installed rather than another type of fencing, it's a good idea to look into what you can do to make sure that the fence will remain in great condition years later. Since iron fencing has different maintenance needs than other types of fences, consider the following tips that can help you make the best purchase.

  • About Me

    Keeping Kitty Contained in a Fenced in Yard

    I have loved cats ever since I was a child. My parents let our cat roam around the yard without a fence when I was a child, but when I adopted my first cat as an adult, I was much too afraid that she would run off to let her outside. After keeping her as an "indoor cat" for a few years, I decided to look into backyard fencing options that she might not be able to climb or jump over. I put a lot of research into those options, so I decided to start sharing what I learned on a blog to help other cat owners and anyone else who is looking for a fence for a specific need. I have been very lucky and my cat hasn't jumped over my fence at all and she now loves her fenced in back yard!
